Building a lightsaber kotor 2
Building a lightsaber kotor 2

The conclusion of the first game varied depending on the choices of the player, with either the light side or dark side of the Force emerging triumphant—at the beginning of, Among the characters who join the main character are Kreia, who acts as a mentor to the Exile Mira, a bounty hunter (she only joins if the player is light-side aligned on Nar Shaddaa) Hanharr, a Wookiee bounty hunter (he joins only if the player is dark-side aligned on Nar Shaddaa) Atton Rand, a former elite operative for the Sith during the Jedi Civil War who turned to smuggling after leaving the Sith, having found out that he was Force-sensitive (Atton is the love interest of a female Exile) Bao-Dur, a Zabrakengineer Brianna, an EchaniHandmaiden (she only joins if the Exile is male and is one of the two love interests of a male Exile) Mical, a former Jedi Initiate turned historian (another love interest for a female Exile) Visas Marr, a MiralukaDark Jediapprentice to Darth Nihilus (she is the other love interest of a male Exile) and G0-T0, an interrogation droid. Thanks! 10 - Kelborn, Battle Circle Champion. You’ll be able to pick up this chest as you’re fighting your way out of the Crystal Cave (after you escape the Imperial Trench). Surik and her companions manage to crash-land in a restoration zone near the Zabrak mechanic Bao-Dur, who served under Surik during the Mandalorian Wars. Team Gizka's project was the first of these, founded in 2004 to promise restored content and save the cut M4-78 Droid planet. In the Imperial Refinery you’ll drop into an area with stormtroopers battling a couple giant spiders.

Building a lightsaber kotor 2